Πολεμικό Συμβούλιο ολοκληρώθηκε στο Κρεμλίνο υπό την προεδρία του Β.Πούτιν μετά την ανακοίνωση ΝΑΤΟ-Σαουδικής Αραβίας ότι πρόκειται να εισβάλουν στην Συρία ενώ η Μόσχα αποδέσμευσε νέες εικόνες και βίντεο από την πρωτοφανή στρατιωτική κινητοποίηση της Νότιας και Κεντρικής Στρατιωτικής Περιφέρειας.

Η πρώτη απόφαση που ελήφθηκε ήταν η ενίσχυση του αεροπορικού αποσπάσματος που σήμερα (επίσημα) ανέρχεται σε 60 αεροσκάφη και ελικόπτερα με επιπλέον είκοσι μαχητικά ενώ θα ενισχυθεί και ο Στόλος της Μεσογείου με επιπλέον σκάφη επιφανείας.

Παρών στο πολεμικό συμβούλιο ήταν ο πρωθυπουργός Ν.Μεντβέντεφ, η Βαλεντίνα Ματβιένκο, ο Sergey Naryshkin, ο Sergei Ivanov, ο Υπουργός Εσωτερικών Vladimir Kolokoltsev, ο Υπουργός Άμυνας Sergei Shoigu, ο επικεφαλής της Ομοσπονδιακής Υπηρεσίας Ασφαλείας Alexander Bortnikov, ο διευθυντής των Υπηρεσιών Πληροφοριών Mikhail Fradkov, ο αναπληρωτής γραμματέας του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας Rashid Nurgaliyev, το μόνιμο μέλος του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας Boris Gryzlov και οι αρχηγοί των επιτελείων.

Οι σημερινές δηλώσεις του Ν.Μεντβέντεφ μπορεί να ξάφνιασαν κάπως αλλά μόνο τυχαίες δεν ήταν αφού ήταν παρών στο πολεμικό συμβούλιο και συζητήθηκαν όλες οι εξελίξεις σε Ουκρανία, Συρία και ευρύτερα.

Ο Β.Πούτιν είπε πως οι ξαφνικές ασκήσεις ετοιμότητας του ρωσικού Στρατού θα συνεχιστούν. Δήλωσε συγκεκριμένα:

“Οι ασκήσεις στρατιωτικής ετοιμότητας λειτουργούν… Θα συνεχιστούν για να αυξηθεί το επίπεδο ετοιμότητας του Στρατού και του Ναυτικού. Θα δουλέψουμε πάνω στην ενοποίηση των μονάδων”…

“Ο Στρατός μας είναι έτοιμος και λειτουργεί επαγγελματικά και επιβεβαιώνει την προθυμία του να διασφαλίσει αξιόπιστα την ασφάλεια της Ρωσίας στην νοτιοδυτική στρατηγική κατεύθυνση και στην Κριμαία”.

Οι σχηματισμοί, οι αερομεταφερόμενες μονάδες και οι μεμονωμένες μονάδες λειτούργησαν άψογα. Στο εθνικό Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας έγινε εκτενής ανάλυσή τους.

Ο Σ.Σοιγκού είπε ότι “Οι μετασταθμεύσεις μονάδων στην Κριμαία, τα α/α συστήματα και η Αεροπορία απώθησαν την μαζική εικονική επίθεση από τον εχθρό”.

“Δημιουργήθηκαν αρχηγεία των δυνάμεων σε Rostov, Σεβαστούπολη και Συμφερούπολη”.

“Ελέγξαμε το σύστημα διοίκησης και ελέγχου της Νότιας και Κεντρικής Στρατιωτικής Περιφέρειας. Είναι στην ύψιστη πολεμική ετοιμότητα” τόνισε.

“Μέσα στο πλαίσιο της ξαφνικής άσκησης ελέγξαμε την ετοιμότητα και συστήματα διοίκησης και ελέγχου της Κεντρικής Στρατιωτικής Περιφέρειας”

Ο Στόλος της Μαύρης Θάλασσας (KPUG) προχώρησε σε ανθυποβρυχιακές επιχειρήσεις με τα πλοία “ΟΚ”, “Aleksandrovets”,” Muromets “,” Kasimov” με την υποστήριξη “Be -12” και ανθυποβρυχιακά ελικόπτερα “Ka-27″”.

Τέλος έγινε ενημέρωση και για την Συρία. 

“1.900 στόχοι τρομοκρατών καταστράφηκαν από 4-11 Φεβρουαρίου ενώ πραγματοποιήθηκαν 510 επιδρομές” ανέφερε ο εκπρόσωπος Igor Konashenkov.

“Πλήξαμε στόχους σε Χαλέπι, Λαττάκεια, Χάμα, Deir ez-Zor, Deraa, Χομς, Χασάκα και Ράκκα” είπε ο Konashenkov. 

“Δύο διοικητές  των τρομοκρατών σκοτώθηκαν στο Χαλέπι. Οι τρομοκράτες έχουν μεγάλες απώλειες. Ένα προπύργιο τους στην περιοχή Kalaz-Tahtani καταστράφηκε μαζί με τον ηγέτη τους, τον τρομοκράτη Abu Mage γνωστός και ως Farid al-Misri. Σκοτώθηκαν ακόμη άλλοι δύο” πρόσθεσε.

“Su-25 κατέστρεψαν εννέα φορτηγά με πυρομαχικά σκοτώνοντας 40 τρομοκράτες”

“Su-25 ανακάλυψαν τρία κομβόι με εξοπλισμό και πυρομαχικά στον δρόμο Karyatein-Homs. Μετά από αναγνώριση εννέα μεγάλα φορτηγά με όπλα, δύο θωρακισμένα οχήματα και 40 τρομοκράτες σκοτώθηκαν”.

“Οι τρομοκράτες στο Χαλέπι φεύγουν μαζικά προς τα τουρκικά σύνορα για να μπορούν μετά να κρυφτούν ανάμεσα στους ντόπιους. Αφήνουν κάτω τα όπλα τους και προσπαθούν να κρυφτούν ανάμεσα στον κόσμο γιατί γνωρίζουν πως τα ρωσικά μαχητικά και ο συριακός Στρατός δεν χτυπάνε αμάχους” τόνισε ο Konashenkov.

“Πολλές ομάδες της αντιπολίτευσης έχουν ξεκινήσει και μοιράζονται πληροφορίες με τον ρωσικό και συριακό Στρατό. Η συνεργασία με ομάδες της αντιπολίτευσης είναι εποικοδομητική και πολλοί από αυτούς ενώθηκαν με την συριακή νόμιμη κυβέρνηση”.

Press Briefing (11 February 2016)

# SIRIYaZa last week from 4 to February 11, the planes of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic completed 510 sorties, during which the defeated 1888 targets of terrorists in the provinces # ALEPPO , # Latakia # Hama, Deir ez-Zor, # # of Homs of Daraa, and Hasek # # RAKKA.V near the village are of are of Broome # of # of Latakia province, the stronghold of the destroyed and the Terrorists the position A A mortar. the the Data to the Confirmed objective to monitoring the Destruction by the complete engineering of the Structures and the Destruction batarei.Shturmovikami Su-25, along the road Al-Qaryatayn – # Homs during performance of duty in the air car found 3 columns with the technique is involved in the transport This of militants, weapons and ammunition. Aviation blow on the this accumulation of the Terrorist techniques. of of After Further exploration found!! the destroyed nine heavy-duty trucks with ammunition, 2 units of armored vehicles and more than 40 boevikov.V near the town of Gary al- Gharbi province Daraa bomber Su- 34 the the the reference by Struck to paragraph # militants LIH. the the Direct hit Strengthening the munition correctable the Terrorists the destroyed a completely a. the the Data the Confirmed the Destruction of the control objective 2 of result boevikov.V vehicles armored of air strikes videoconferencing Russian planes Terrorists are Significant poteri.V the Governorate of Aleppo the destroyed to two two influential field vicinity of the komandira.V Settlement Kalaz-Tahtani, as with a with of of result of air strikes of targets Against Terrorists, the destroyed a large gang, Along with the commander, “the Abu Maher” (aka – “Farid of Al-Misri”). with In Same province Killed the a field commander, “the Abu Anas al-Shami” from Terrorist group “Jaish al-the Sham” the groups armed .In the operating mass-desertion boevikov.Terroristy intimidate local population and force driving the locked people in Aleppo region, to the Turkish border . Throwing weapons, the militants are Trying to dissolve in for for These columns, Knowing That the Russian aviation and Syrian Government Forces have by by never an an applied Against the a a civilian population. HOWEVER, shooting for for These people–together with charges in Russia the who who allegedly barbaric bombing ALEPPO since the end of last week , as if on command filled all Western teleekrany.Delo reached the point that the footage of the destroyed long before the Russian operation in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the leading American and European television channels, give for Consequences of the the the alleged Russian bombing. of of As for the for They say the, feel the hand of an Experienced dirizhera.Prichem is the the no longer a aa to Trend, the pattern and the – the include the hurdy-gurdy with Russian accusations of all mortal Sins. and hush as with with a state secret by its ” taxpayers the Effectiveness of the the action in of its ” aircraft’s’s Syria. And not only aviatsii.Svezhy example. Yesterday, the the Pentagon Spokesman Colonel of of Steven Warren, sitting in Iraq, the the alleged Said is the Russian aircraft’s’s bombed day in Aleppo to to two two to two two Hospitals. of of As a of of result, he Said is, is is supposedly about 50 Thousand Syrians have Deprived of Essential software Been services for Them. More the Spokesman of the the squeeze by by themselves Could not anything. Neither the time the the origin of the NOR for These for the Hospitals or sources of the information. the the Just nichego.U we of HAD a night loe loe to scrutinize the the this such a informatsii.Kogda a nonsense are human rights Activists in the the London – is one’s Thing’s. But the when the a of IT says the official the Pentagon, the who has the Positioned Himself as with with a military professional – quite Different situatsiya.My Carefully Analyzed all the the data for the Purposes That Were the affected yesterday in the Aleppo province. First of all, Colonel Warren an an upset – he guessed wrong. Russian Aleppo area in planes not work DID in yesterday. of the immediate AIM to the WAS more than 20 from the o city Kilometers itself over goroda.A yesterday only Actively flying aircraft’s SO-Called coalition antiigilovskoy: aircraft’s and attack drones. of of As Promised Our company to American partners , more than to hide’s the this information, we do not budem.Vchera AT 13:55 Moscow time from Turkey, the Shortest course the right on Aleppo in the Syrian by sky Went 2 attack aircraft the US Air Force “A – 10″ and worked on the full facilities in the o o city. Colonel Warren Somehow DID in not the the advertise the the this zalet the the forward and, incidentally, in a figurative of Sense, of of too. for for Let us not the the BE like the American colonel, and to the the BE honest What is What is: we HAD enough time to accurately determine the identity of those 9 for for They bombed yesterday objects in Aleppo. Perhaps for for Among Them Were 2 hospital a a. for for we look povnimatelnee.No situation the the is one’s’s to one’s’s the Select Select Similar to That the the when Americans bombed a the hospital a in a to to Kunduz, Afghanistan, or the of the Iraqi Army in the the position Fallujah. of the Thing to do first – are Allegations Against Thrown to us to to take away the the you from all of SO podozreniya.Esli will of business of ‘continue’, the then soon’s we have to will of the hold to two two Briefing, first for Himself, and for the then Those guys out of the coalition, the who see by themselves as with Professionals for we are once recording again hear the old songs with accusations That Our company air strikes the who who allegedly not only Terrorists LIH. Especially for refined Western Hotel Hotel is experts report That not all the Terrorists in Syria has the the always Moved with large the the flags and large black Inscriptions on the back of Their membership Member Member of a gruppirovke.U Russian Armed Terrorist Forces, its ” partners-the-together with the launched of a system of multi-:: level Intelligence That Provides is reliable identification Purposes. Only the the after the Repeated verification of the data and the Eliminate the risk to the of of civilians, air strikes are an for an applied to objects for These. ‘s Moreover’s, we all now! Just! As with the with the Just the know, with us quite a Productive sharing of Intelligence units of the Syrian Opposition. The the Today, the MANY of the moving Them to Cooperate with the Syrian pravitelstvom.Tak, 8 February, of a of result as with Negotiations in the village the Itbay the Dar are the WAS Province hoisted the National flag of the the Syrian Arab Republic. of the militants, the the who Were in the o o city ceased armed resistance and voluntarily laid-down-Their oruzhie.Napomnim: since the Beginning, the Operations of the in Syria, Russian of Ministry of the Defense on the Several occasions the the publicly Called on the Representatives of the USA and by by European Countries to the Exchange information with the Proposals, the the which are the Terrorists in Syria. Our company Company About enterprise | cards are all gratefully took. and more, the the no? ? answer, today has been the no has Been the priveta.Zato for We criticize Russian VKS for for They That we do not fly there, and not a bomb. for the CAN for So the send the new cards? A FEW months ago The, Repeatedly has spoken about the Tendency That the more we are destroying successful the the Terrorists, the more we are Accused of the non-SELECTIVITY udarov.Hotya the if familiarize by themselves with the Western Hotel media, IT Seems That the Syrian Government in of uncontrolled urban Representatives of the the live only the secular Opposition and human rights Activists. and around the Blooms demokratiya.No not much powder, or rather, not to lure the Terrorist – the Opposition he stanet.Takzhe to still not a pay Attention, That in recent years the Pentagon hear the advice on the need to change our strategy in Syria the US to “to help” Achieve Political transition there vlasti.Spetsialno for for These Advisors, we recall That the purpose of Our operation in Syria – the Destruction of Terrorism – a direct and the clear the Threat to Our company country of security and the world. and all Issues Should the Political is the BE is resolved only by the Syrians by the mediation by themselves under the international. and not in the Trenches, and the peregovorov.Drugih the the table “Strategies,” we have not DID in and by never by will of of. with the past in the the 5 years, we are aware of a well a what the results of the Middle East and near the Russian border have led Washington You You strategy of “Political transition”. Instead of the “triumph’s’s of democracy”, – Destruction everywhere, blood, bezhentsy.Ne Because there Overseas now! Is the Just “strategy” talked about the need for Syria and Libya “the surface the Operations”? A a Maybe we Should the the stop Advisers Our company to step on the rake Same |?

Δημοσιεύτηκε Από Russian Defense of Ministry of στις Πέμπτη, 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

# VIDEO deployment Puntov field control during sudden inspection of combat readiness of the Southern Military District # ProverkaYuVO

Από Δημοσιεύτηκε Russian Defense of Ministry στις Πέμπτη, 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

# ProverkaYuVO: March YUVO airborne units in areas focused …

# VIDEO: March the Airborne units # # YUVO in concentration areas at the sites during a sudden inspection of combat readiness of the Southern Military District # ProverkaYuVO

Από Δημοσιεύτηκε Russian Defense of Ministry στις Πέμπτη, 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2016